The Seed Words
for PreBabel
-- the true Universal Language
Copyright © July 2009 by Tienzen (Jeh-Tween) Gong

The words of many natural languages are patterns of temporally ordered sound types, and the meaning of a word does not attach to particular activities, sound, marks on paper, or anything else with a definite spatiotemporal locus. Only very small portion of the vocabulary of natural languages is based on some kinds of root word system. The majority of them arose as a token of "you told me so." There is no chance of any kind to decode the four letter "book" to be a bound paper with printing on them. The meaning of those words is agreed by a linguistic community. Thus, the vocabulary of all natural languages are difficult to learn even by its native people. Then, trying to memorize thousands or hundreds of thousands of those "you told me so" tokens is, indeed, a youth killing chore.

The PreBabel (PB) is a system of root words. That is, the entire system can be described with its root word set which contains only 240 members, and they can be memorized in 50 hours of study by an average person in the world. Furthermore, each root is an idea or a mental image of an action, an object, a quality or a state of a situation. Every word of its vocabulary is also a mental image which expresses the meaning of that word directly. With the mental image as the memory anchor, each word can be memorized without any effort. Thus, encoding English with PreBabel is not only linking it to a universal language but is constructing a mnemonic system for English, and it is especially helpful for those ESL students.

In fact, there must be some great benefits for encoding any natural language in order for such encoding to be accepted. The encoding of English into the machine codes launched the computing era. Then, what is the benefit for encoding English with the PreBabel? It has, at least, the following benefits:

  1. it is a mnemonic system for English;
  2. it is a springboard for Americans to master any foreign language in months instead of years;
  3. it is a base for a true auto-translation machine; in fact, it becomes a base to unify all other natural languages;
  4. as it is invented by an American in America, it provides a foundation for English to become the universal language.
    The PreBabel is an open-frame language. Its word token is silent, and it can be pronounced in English. Besides some seed words (about 300), the entire English vocabulary can be coded by the using Americans, and it will become a dialect of English while it becomes a true universal language in the world.

The following is the rules of encoding any natural language with the PreBabel:

The format for the following seed words is as follow:
PreBabel word token Its corresponding English word (Innate meaning of the PreBabel word token)

Note: The PB word token is pronounced the same as its corresponding English word.

Again, encoding PB words in English is, in fact, encoding English with PB root words. And, such a process will organize all English vocabulary into a logically linked linear chain of mnemonic, similar to the amino acids / enzymes / proteins system. English will, then, become one of the easiest language to learn either as a mother tongue or as a second language.

  1. above (dot, divide horizontal)

  2. below (divide horizontal, dot)

  3. left (dot, divide space)

  4. right (divide space, dot)

  5. on (dot, flat table)

  6. at (dot, stop)

  7. of (dot, holding)

  8. in (basin, dot, cover)

  9. ( ) out (not, in)

  10. ( ) foot (man, below)
    Note: the parentheses of radical "below" can be removed in the PB word token when that radical becomes well-known. This is, in fact, a generation two (G2) word.

  11. ( ) ( ( ) ) earth (below, foot)

  12. morning (birth, Sun)

  13. Sun set (Sun, ready to fall)

  14. time (Sun, flow)

  15. month (Moon, flow)

  16. off (get off, dot)

  17. see (eye, direction)

  18. pointing (hand, direction)

  19. ( ) front (man, seeing)

  20. ( ( ) ) back (not, front)
    Note: this is a generation 3 word.

  21. know (brain, eye)

  22. thing (holding, dot)

  23. something (thing, flow)

  24. nothing (no, dot)

  25. ( ) ( ) knowledge (know, thing)

  26. many (night, night)

  27. ( ) enough (many, stop)

  28. ( ) rise (flow, above)

  29. ( ) fall (flow, below)

  30. ( ( ) ) East (Sun, rise)

  31. ( ( ) ) West (Sun, fall)

  32. fixed (no, flow)

  33. small (divide, divide)

  34. ( ) star (small, sun)

  35. ( ) ( ( ) ) North (fixed, star)
    Note: these parentheses can be removed when those composing radicals become well-known.

  36. ( ) ( ( ) ) South (not, North)

  37. ( ) call (mouth, point)

  38. ( ( ) ) ( ) name (call, thing)

  39. a group people (man, man, man)

    Note: to simplify the word token, I would like to introduce a convention. When two or more same root sit side by side, the second or beyond can be replaced with apostrophe. Thus, the word "South" can be re-written as ( ) ( ( ' ) ) , and the unity of a radical must be preserved.

  40. or ''' mankind (man, man, man, man)

  41. I (man, self)

  42. ( ( ) ) you (front, man)

  43. he (off, man)

  44. ( ) she (woman, he)

  45. sand (small, rock)

  46. air (energy, dot)

  47. ( )( ) wind (sand, air)

  48. circle (cover top and bottom, dot)

  49. ( ) ( ) around (circle, at)

  50. yet (flow, be)

  51. as (divination, divination)

  52. ( ) though (as, be)

  53. ( ) if ( speech, as)

  54. and (hand, hand)

  55. or (not, and)

  56. but (and, flow)

  57. a (a bird, hand)

  58. the (at, dot)

  59. all (cover, cover)

  60. any (basin, dot)

  61. ( ) every (cover, any)

  62. much (many, dot)

  63. little (small, dot)

  64. over (flow, flow)

  65. under (flow, below)

  66. keep (fix, fix)

  67. with (keep, dot)

  68. go (foot, travel)

  69. ( ) come (foot, in)

  70. get (hand, in)

  71. take (hand, get)

  72. ( ) give (hand, out)

  73. put (be, at)

  74. make (do, thing)

  75. have (in, hand)

  76. say (speech, dot)

  77. to (travel, at)

  78. let (be, as)

  79. from (action, at)

  80. seem (eye, as)

  81. send (dot, travel)

  82. result (divination, be)

  83. for (hand, dot)

  84. by (at, dot)

  85. down (below, flow)

  86. may (ready ..., going out)

  87. will (ready..., birth)

  88. through (piercing, dot)

  89. between (below, above)

  90. across (big step, over)

  91. about (dot, circle)

  92. before (man, eye)

  93. after (eye, man)

  94. up (flow, above)

  95. against (hand, blocked energy)

  96. large (not, small)

  97. sky (above, mountain)

  98. till (to, time)

  99. compare (household, household)

  100. than (compare, at)

  101. this (thing, at)

  102. other (not, this)

  103. some (many, flow)

  104. cause (before, result)

  105. because (be, cause)

  106. such (as, this)

  107. that (off, this)

  108. who (cover, man)

  109. how (cover, do)

  110. where (cover, at)

  111. when (cover, time)

  112. why (cover, cause)

  113. while (off, time)

  114. once (action, dot)

  115. again (once, action)

  116. ever (birth, any)

  117. far (travel, travel)

  118. forward (big step, direction)

  119. here (at, at)

  120. near (not, far)

  121. now (time, at)

  122. still (time, flow)

  123. then (at, time)

  124. there (off, here)

  125. together (hand, dot, hand)

  126. good (birth, birth)

  127. well (good, expressed)

  128. yes (be, as)

  129. almost (all, flow)

  130. even (direction, direction)

  131. only (as, once)

  132. so (as, cause)

  133. normal (be, be)

  134. very (above, normal)

  135. today (Sun, at)

  136. tomorrow (today, big step)

  137. yesterday (today, complete)

  138. please (let, let)

  139. quite (almost, at)

  140. number (thing, measuring cup)

  141. account (number, at)

  142. old (hair, transform)

  143. new (not, old)

  144. change (be, new)

  145. adjust (engineering, change)

  146. advertisement (speech, a group persons)

  147. discuss (speech, speech)

  148. agree (union, discuss)

  149. amount (number, flow)

  150. amuse (to, heart)

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